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Texas licensed Child Care Association

                   The Workforce Behind the Workforce

TLCCA is the oldest childcare association in the state of Texas. Founded in 1988, our mission is to inform, educate, and advocate for licensed childcare providers. Our membership consists of private, corporate, and non-profit licensed childcare providers including Owners, Directors, Administrators, and Teachers who share a passion for quality childcare. TLCCA partners with a lobbyist who advocates for the needs of our membership. In times where the industry is impacted by governmental changes, licensing, or national epidemics, TLCCA continues working for you!  

 TLCCA Purpose

Texas Licensed Child Care Association works to further the education of child development, business development and sustainability.  To stay informed of all proposed standards and legislation concerning ECE and provide a collective voice to the Legislature.  To correlate the efforts of the members of the Association and to educate the public and be an advocate for all Licensed Child Care and children in Texas.

TLCCA represents Licensed Owners and Directors across the state to promote the success of licensed programs.

The board monitors proposed changes in the industry and works year round to make sure we have connections with Legislators, TWC, HHS, CCS and others.  Working to get laws and funding that positively impact Licensed Child Care.

        The Workforce Behind the Workforce

Conference Highlights

TLCCA offers two State Conference each year.  Conferences offer engagement and education opportunities for Owners, Directors and Teachers.  Form connections with dynamic ECE leaders and motivators who share your passion for the industry.  Opportunities to meet vetted vendors who serve early childhood and understand the needs of your business.

Affiliates across Texas meet regularly to keep members informed and connected throughout the year.  Check out the Affiliate page for contact information.


 Join Now

Texas Child Care Professionals

TLCCA moderates a Facebook group called Texas Child Care Professionals to allow industry professionals the opportunity to seek advice and support from one another on child care issues. Being a part of the group is free, but you must answer all questions to join the group, and agree to the group rules.

Visit the Texas Childcare Professionals Facebook Group



P.O.Box 136836

Fort Worth, Texas 76136


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